
Well here comes the awkward part, introducing myself. Hi, my name is Nazish Hafiz (aka Laly). I am a 20 year old who has an unimaginable love for life, capturing moments and creating memories. Hence why I am an avid photographer.

I started photography as an A level subject in the worst year of my life, sixth form. I loved holding the camera, going where the wind took me and taking photographs of anything that I found visually appealing. The freedom, spontaneity and sense of adventure photography bought me made me so happy and it still brings me great joy today.

This brings me on to my present situation. So why did I create Luv Laly? I have created this blog not only to showcase my work but to support other keen photographers by showcasing their works of art as well. Have any masterpieces you would like me to display? Email me your name, contact details and photographs or links to your website at NH597@live.mdx.ac.uk

Its not all about me. If you tune in to your mind’s eye then anyone and everyone can do photography. Hopefully this blog can also give you inspiration to those who haven’t even picked up a camera to maybe one day take your own photographs and capture moments that lasts forever.